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And Those Who Trespass Against Us Page 26

  Catriona gently guided Katherine face back to her. "What is it? Did something happen out there?"

  "Yes. No," she added at Catriona's look of surprise. "Before you say any more, please let me tell you from the beginning. When I was captured by the bushrangers and first met Mary, I knew something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it. She made me feel, well--strange, scared, and exhilarated all in the same moment. I had no idea of what was going on with me. As we sat and spoke she told me of--of her love for women." She smiled when she remembered her outburst.

  "I told her thoughts and actions like hers were unnatural, and women shouldn't live together in such a fashion. She then challenged me over our living arrangement and I was outraged. Yet at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder how other people saw us. The moment passed between Mary and me, and the next day I was allowed to leave.

  "Do you remember our argument in the study, when I returned? When you touched me, I felt the same sensations Mary had stirred in me. I found myself wondering if there was substance to what Mary said. It confused me. I didn't know what to do or who I could speak to. So I hid the feelings deep down, hoping they'd pass.

  "Not long after Alexander's death and that morning between us, Mary visited the homestead. Again she challenged me on how I felt, and it scared me so much. It's why I moved in with Susan and Me Lin. I didn't know what to do and I thought some distance between us might put the whole issue in better perspective." Katherine shook her head. "I shouldn't have bothered. Every time I visited you the feelings were still there. Then, at the dinner party, I think I started to see things a lot more clearly. I had every intention of speaking with you about it yesterday, until I was waylaid by a bushranger." Katherine shifted uncomfortably. "Mary and I spoke yesterday and she told me how she felt for me. We, that is, I kissed her."

  Catriona failed to conceal the look of hurt that crossed her face. "Do you love her?"

  "No! I don't love her, although I think she had strong feelings for me. The kiss, it felt natural given the circumstances."

  Catriona's thoughts raced like a team of wild brumbies. She closed her eyes and centred herself, then returned her gaze to Katherine. "What sort of situation would have precipitated you kissing a bushranger?" Try as she might she couldn't keep the anger out of her voice.

  Katherine took Catriona's hand and placed a kiss in the upturned palm. "She was dying, and her final words were about how she felt for me. We kissed and she told me not to wait too long to find in life what I wanted. You see, she was sending me to you. Please understand when I say what I felt for Mary is nothing compared to the love I have for you." Katherine lowered her head and began to cry.

  Catriona drew her into her arms. "I'm sorry she had to die, but she knew the chances a bushranger takes. You know that, don't you?" Katherine nodded against her chest. "Between Mary and me, your life over the past weeks couldn't have been easy."

  Katherine raised her head. "It hasn't, but I can honestly say the outcome is more than I could have ever wished for."

  Moving out of Catriona's embrace, Katherine's face adopted a pensive expression. "Can I ask you a question?"

  "My love, of course you can--anything you wish."

  "Were you and Adele lovers? Is it why your mother originally told her to leave?"

  Catriona knew the answer was written on her face and, regardless, avoiding the answer wasn't an option. "We were. How did you know?"

  "The night of the dinner party she was very attentive to you. Her glancing touches with you--they were so intimate. I was so frustrated by her actions." Katherine feigned preoccupation with the line she was idly drawing with her finger down Catriona's thigh. "Did you renew your acquaintance when she returned?"

  Catriona was suddenly fearful of the words she was about to utter. "We did, but this time the relationship was somehow different--from the way we were when I was younger. And it was nothing like what I now have with you. Adele and I weren't so much rekindling a great passion as a revisiting an intense friendship." Her eyebrows creased. "It's hard to describe."

  "Why did she leave again?"

  She chuckled and pulled Katherine to her. "You weren't the only one people-watching at the dinner party. Adele spent the greater part of the night trying to figure out where you fitted in my life. Her suspicions were confirmed when she walked in on us in the dining room." Colour blossomed in Katherine's cheeks. Catriona closed the slight distance between them and reassuringly kissed Katherine. "When she asked me, I had to tell her the truth. Despite my protests, she said you felt the same way. But she said if she stayed, nothing would happen between us. So she left and I let her go."

  Katherine's eyes deliberately avoided Catriona's. "Do you regret your decision? You took a significant gamble."

  "I know. Yet, in truth, the risk was one I was willing to take. As for my decision, I don't regret it in the least. In all honesty, I know Adele and I could've been content with what we had. But she was no longer who I wanted and she knew that as well. I think she was right when she said I would gradually begin to resent her for that. For there's only one person I truly want and love, and it's you." Gathering Katherine into her arms, Catriona once again claimed Katherine's lips with her own.

  Breaking the kiss, Catriona laughed. "Woman, have you any idea how beautiful you are? You're like wine I can't get enough of." She gently brought Katherine's hand to her face, smelling her own scent on Katherine's fingers. Taking a finger in her mouth, Catriona sensually toyed with it, then offered her fingers to Katherine. Without hesitation Katherine's lips closed over her fingers, evoking another groan of pleasure from Catriona.

  Catriona straddled one of Katherine's thighs. "I need to feel more of you." She slowly undulated against Katherine's thigh with a rhythm matching her mounting need. Katherine's hands gripped her backside. She held her there, her motion synchronised with Catriona's.

  Their slick pace increased. Catriona was overcome by the feelings coursing through her. Gazing into Katherine's eyes, she saw the reflection of her own passion and excitement steadily building in Katherine's face.

  Katherine's mouth ravaged her neck. She alternated between kissing and lightly nipping it with her teeth. Katherine locked her arms around Catriona, heightening the sensations between them. Arching her neck, Catriona cried out Katherine's name. They came together with a depth of passion Catriona had never thought possible.

  Spent, she lowered herself onto Katherine, amazed at the way her body moulded so well with her lover's. As the heat between them became too great, Catriona rolled off Katherine, and on to her back.

  Katherine gently wiped beads of perspiration from Catriona's forehead. She felt strangely empty when Catriona eased herself off her. Rolling on to her side, she possessively draped her leg over Catriona and smiled. In the space of such a small time, things had changed so much. Gone was the apprehension and confusion of the past weeks. For once, Katherine felt at ease and relaxed.

  Catriona smiled as she stroked her leg. "I feel like I'm looking at someone who, for the first time, is relaxed and happy. She looks like she's found a place where she belongs. Am I correct?"

  "I'm happier than I've ever been, and you're the reason. For once I think I'm home. Having found that place, I'll never leave you, my love, no matter what happens." She again covered Catriona's body with her own and kissed her deeply, all sense of time and chores forgotten.

  CATRIONA AWOKE TO the calling of her name and the sound of footfalls in the house. She shifted out of Katherine's embrace. Katherine eyes also opened and, wide-eyed, they looked at each other. "Susan!"

  Katherine had barely begun to frame a sentence when Catriona bolted out of the bed, grabbed her robe, and was out the bedroom door.

  Coming down the hallway, Susan barely avoided colliding with Catriona. "For Christ's sake, what are you still doing in bed? Are you ill? Never mind. Katherine didn't come home last night and my horse turned up less harness and one sister. With all the rain last night I fear she may have come to
no good . . ." Her words trailed into silence. Catriona realised Susan was no longer looking at her, but over her shoulder. Following Susan's gaze Catriona turned her head, to find Katherine, wrapped in a blanket, her hand furiously trying to bring some order to her hair. "Morning, Susan," Katherine said sheepishly.

  Dumbstruck, Susan looked at Catriona and then Katherine and back to Catriona. Stepping forward she hugged Catriona. "Oh, I'm so happy for you both." She slapped Catriona on the arm. "What am I saying--I've been worried sick! Here I was thinking the worst and instead nothing's happened at all. Well, something has, but nothing dire," she scolded in mock remonstration.

  KATHERINE SHUFFLED AROUND a bemused Catriona and gently manoeuvered the slightly stunned shopkeeper into the kitchen and onto a seat. "I got caught in the rain, and if it hadn't been for Catriona I most likely would have died. She found me wandering the road, somewhat the worse for wear." Katherine tightened the blanket around herself. "Now we've sorted that out, how about we have some lunch?" Casting a sideways glance at Catriona she commented, "I'm starving," and was quietly pleased at the blush suffusing Catriona's face.

  "Yes. No," Susan said almost instantly. "You don't understand. Katherine, when you didn't come home, I had no other option than to speak to the town constable. When I left, he was getting together a search party. We're supposed to meet here. They should be here any minute."

  A look of horror passed between Katherine and Catriona. Catriona held up her hand. "There's a way through this. I'll explain it just as it happened."

  Katherine stared at her, mouth agape.

  "Less a few pertinent details of course. Susan, can you keep an eye out for the constable and his group?" Susan nodded and walked out the kitchen door and onto the verandah.

  "You." She pointed at Katherine. "Go back to bed until they've left."

  Katherine wheeled and headed back from whence she came. As she reached for the doorknob, Catriona's hand touched her shoulder.

  "What is it?"

  "Katherine, you can't sleep in your room."

  "Why not?" Katherine asked, impervious to what the problem was. "I always slept here when I stayed with you. I'll hop back in here and everything will be fine, you'll see." She reassuredly patted Catriona's arm, and made herself comfortable in the centre of the bed.

  "Well, not exactly, my love. The bed--it doesn't exactly look like one person has been sedately lying in it, close to death, does it?" Catriona laughed at Katherine's look of shocked recognition. "Come on. I'll put you in my parent's room and you can use one of my mother's old nightgowns. I'm sure the doctor would have even more questions if he found you sleeping in the nude." Catriona led her down the hall.

  CATRIONA HAD BARELY enough time to affect a fast change of clothes when there was a knock at the front door. Fortunately, by the time she'd got her boots on, Susan had managed to heat some water and prepare a hasty meal, and was busily feeding the men when Catriona came through the kitchen door. Retelling the story to the collective audience, Catriona reassured them Sister Flynn was all right, but was now resting. In reassurance, the doctor who had travelled with the group performed a quick examination on Katherine. He returned to the kitchen, declaring her fine if not noticeably tired and hungry from her exertions.

  Catriona barely managed to stop herself from choking on a biscuit. Looking up, she saw Susan wink at her before Susan picked up an arranged tray of food for Katherine.

  It took quite a while, and another lot of lengthy reassurances for Catriona to get the group of relieved men from her home. Waving the last one off, she turned to a smiling Susan.

  "Oh, Catriona, I can't tell you how happy I am for you. When she didn't come home last night, I feared the worst and, from what you've said, that was almost the case. She's a beautiful woman." Susan suggestively wiggled her eyebrow. "From the passing glimpse I got of her this morning." Susan laughed and prodded Catriona's arm. "Just make sure you take care of her."

  Catriona wrapped Susan in a hug. "That's one thing you can be sure of."

  Susan made her way down the steps and climbed into her own buggy and headed for home.

  Walking through the now quiet house, Catriona opened the door to her parent's room, her breath catching at the figure of Katherine, reclining on the bed.

  "Are they gone?" Katherine whispered.

  Catriona placed a kiss on her forehead and sat down next to her. "Yes, and thank God for Susan's early arrival. Otherwise it might have been disastrous." Catriona got off the bed as quickly as she had gotten on it, and started toward the door. "Well, so much for that episode."

  "Where are you going?"

  Turning around, Catriona caught her breath.

  Katherine had sat up, allowing the bedclothes to fall.

  "What happened to the nightgown?" she lamely asked.

  Katherine smiled. "After the doctor finished his visit, I didn't think there'd be any great need for it. Now, where are you going?"

  Catriona fought to tear her eyes away from Katherine's breasts. "I, er, have work to do. The accounts haven't been the same since you left. They're the bane of my existence." Despite her best intentions, she was irrevocably drawn to Katherine, until she was again sitting on the coverlet beside her.

  Katherine casually draped her arm on Catriona's moleskin-clad leg. "Why don't we make a deal? How about you leave those books to me and you look after your patient here?"

  Catriona was temporarily taken aback by the brazenness of Katherine's words. As a smile gathered at the corners of her mouth, Catriona leant toward her. "Deal, Katherine, deal," she replied, claiming Katherine's waiting lips with her own.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "BUT, SISTER FLYNN, I don't understand," Mrs. Greystone said, her forehead creased.

  Katherine calmly took another sip of her tea, while internally she rolled her eyes. It had been the same with Father Cleary. His confusion was accompanied with terse questions regarding her decision. Despite his probing, she had no intention of telling him, or Mrs. Greystone the real reason for her return to Gleneagle.

  "I know this is sudden." Katherine leant forward, and deliberately aimed her cup and its contents toward the plate of cucumber sandwiches. "Oh, I am so sorry," she said as the spilt tea turned the already soggy sandwiches a light brown. "How careless of me." Katherine rose to help clean up her mess.

  Mrs. Greystone clucked in disgust. "No, Sister, I'll get one of my servants to clean it." She rang an ornate gilded handbell on the table beside her and waited expectantly. No one came. "I swear it is hard to get good help these days. Please excuse me for a minute, won't you?"

  As Mrs. Greystone hurried out of the room, Katherine's thoughts strayed to Catriona. Her life had changed in ways she would have never thought possible. On moving back to Gleneagle, they no longer slept in separate rooms. With each passing night, Katherine became more accustomed to falling asleep in Catriona's arms. At first, she'd struggled with the idea of going to bed naked. And, she couldn't believe Catriona's brazen way of strolling around the bedroom, and sometimes the house, unclothed. Katherine attempted to maintain some air of modesty with her nightgown.

  Such modesty didn't last long, with her clothes being quickly shed by Catriona once they retired for the evening. Catriona had promised to share further knowledge of the delights of lovemaking. Katherine touched her face, feeling the heat there. For as much as Catriona shared the art of lovemaking with her, Katherine had been a very eager pupil.

  Mrs. Greystone's return interrupted Katherine's reveries. "Take Sister Flynn's cup away and get her another one," Mrs. Greystone imperiously said. "And get me a new plate of sandwiches. Next time when I ring, I expect you to be at your station, not upstairs cleaning the rooms."

  Mrs. Greystone took a seat, her thin-lipped smile plastered on her face. "Now Sister Flynn, why have you gone back to Miss Pelham's property?"

  "While Mrs. Crosier has been a most gracious host, the recent incident with the bushrangers, coupled with the lack of space at her residence for my
books, made it a most practical solution." She nodded her thanks as Mrs. Greystone's servant handed her another cup of tea. "In fact, that brings me to something I wished to discuss with you. The children in the district are extremely keen learners. They have nearly finished all the books I ordered for them. I think it would be a marvellous idea for both their education and the town if we were to establish a small library."

  Mrs. Greystone reached forward and condescendingly patted Katherine's hand, "Your project is very commendable, my dear. However, don't you feel your time could be better spent attending to your religious duties? After all, are you offering these children false hope by giving them such education?"

  Katherine fought to maintain an air of equanimity while, inside, she seethed. If Mrs. Greystone patted her hand one more time like that, she was going to cut it off. "How do you know whether the education is worthwhile if you never allow them the freedom to learn in the first place? In Ireland, under the class system, working class children rarely get the opportunity to learn. Consequently, they never break free of the bonds constraining them. I was led to believe one of the true benefits of Australia was its relative independence from such archaic thinking. Surely I wasn't misinformed?" Given Mrs. Greystone's embarrassed look, she realised she had spoken too freely, something she continually struggled with. She knew her religious duties were remiss. Nevertheless, this was at the expense of the children's education. Strangely enough, her choice didn't gravely upset her.

  Mrs. Greystone opened her mouth to reply but there was a slight knock on the door to the parlour, and the servant entered. "Excuse me ma'am, Sister. There's a man at the back door who says he's here to see you, Mrs. Greystone, about the new plan for your garden."

  Mrs. Greystone stood. "Tell him I'm on my way. I'm sorry, Sister, but I must see to the plantings for coming season."