And Those Who Trespass Against Us Page 25
Catriona's mild concern for Katherine's safety was now growing to full-blown fear. Urging her horse into as much speed as she dared, she rode through the unrelenting rain, all the while struggling with the state of the liquid road.
Rounding a bend, her face changed from a study of concentration to one of shock. Staggering along the road under the weight of her habit was Katherine.
Catriona reined in her horse and leapt from her saddle. "My God," Catriona yelled over the sound of the rain, "are you all right? You're drenched."
Catriona grabbed Katherine and spun her around. Her heart turned to ice at what she saw. Katherine's eyes were glazed as if in sleep, her lips already tinged blue. She looked like Catriona had when she was a child and fell into one of the dams in the middle of winter. If it hadn't been for her father, she might have died. Despite the current situation, Catriona couldn't help but smile at the way her father teased her for years after about how blue lips never did suit her.
She gently shook Katherine.
Katherine's eyes took on a fuzzy focus as she blinked at Catriona. "C-c-c-cold," was all she could manage.
Pulling the other oilskin from her saddlebag, Catriona wrapped it around Katherine's shivering form. After a fair degree of manoeuvring, she managed to get them both on her horse and turn the animal for home. The hard riding she'd already done, combined with the added weight, made the return trip painfully slow. By the time they arrived at Gleneagle, Katherine had progressed from cold to delirium.
Wasting no time, Catriona managed to halt her horse near the kitchen entrance. She dismounted and softly elbowed the horse.
"Off you go, old feller. You know where the stable is."
With Katherine in her arms, she took the stairs two at a time. Kicking the door open with her foot, she carried Katherine to her old room. She placed her in a chair, then tore the top bedcover off the bed and swaddled Katherine in it.
She bit the inside of her lip trying to remember how her father had saved her when she fell into the dam. Suddenly it came to her. He got her out of the wet clothes and stayed with her until she was warm. That must be the key.
Catriona unwrapped Katherine from the bedcover and looked at her habit. She pulled her out of the chair and turned her around, looking for buttons which would identify a way to disrobe her. "This is like unravelling a puzzle," she grumbled, her concern mounting at Katherine's continually shivering form. "There's more than one way to skin a cat, or nun. I'll have another one made--I promise."
Catriona pulled her pocketknife from her trousers. She cut and then tore the front of the dress from neck to waist and literally peeled Katherine from her habit and drenched undergarments. She picked up the bedspread from the floor and roughly dried Katherine's wet form, to kick-start her circulation. Satisfied she was at least warmer than what she'd been, she carried Katherine to bed and lay her down. After stoking the room's fire, she went in search of more blankets.
Her bedside vigil went on through the night. She left her only long enough to unsaddle her horse, and change out of her own wet clothes into a dressing gown. It would do no good to have her stabilise Katherine only to have herself fall ill. Catriona spent the rest of her night seated by Katherine, gradually peeling off blankets as her condition improved. Despite her best efforts to stay awake, sometime in the early hours of the morning, Catriona too drifted off to sleep.
KATHERINE ABRUPTLY WOKE, aware of well-known, yet most recently unfamiliar, surroundings. As she roused herself, the events of the previous day came flooding back. She could recall, fairly well, to the point when she'd been stranded by a lame horse and broken wagon. From then on, her memories were like scenes on post cards--captured moments in time.
She had snatches of a memory involving Catriona finding her and then carrying her through the house. She also remembered Catriona coming at her with a knife and a ripping sound. Glancing at the black and white heap in the corner of her room, she realised she had been physically extracted from her habit. She creased her forehead and trailed a tentative hand across her body to discover she'd also lost her undergarments.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a shape. Turning her head ever so slightly, she saw Catriona asleep in a chair by her bed, her head lolling forward. Clothed in a dressing gown, which reminded Katherine of one of her father's, she looked like she'd been there for quite a while. Her memories came flooding back, and Katherine recalled Catriona's presence throughout the night, at various times removing blankets from her, while forcing her to stay in bed. She must be worn out. At least she's now getting some well-needed sleep. Katherine languished in bed, content to look at Catriona all day if she could.
Catriona's face was a study of tranquillity, making her appear younger than her years. Her face was at peace, bereft of the bitterness around her mouth and her all-to-often creased forehead. Katherine's thoughts drifted to the previous day, and what she'd finally admitted--feelings she'd secretly harboured and railed against for so long.
Catriona's head jerked uncomfortably forward, and she awoke. She grabbed on to the sides of her chair for stability and then blinked twice, as if taking her bearings. She looked at the bed and Katherine's inquisitive eyes.
"How are you?" She scrubbed her face with her hands as if to shake off her sleep. "You had me worried last night. At one stage you were a shade of blue."
Katherine smiled at Catriona's concern. "I feel fine, considering what I can remember going through. But the horse and wagon--they're still out there. I think the horse's leg is broken."
Catriona placed a reassuring hand on Katherine's arm. "I wouldn't worry if I were you. The wagon will need to be fixed, but the horse just had a piece of quartz lodged in his hoof, which I took out. I've no doubt once he allowed some time for the pain to subside, he headed for his stable at Susan's store. I'd be surprised if he's not there now, demanding his oats."
Catriona's attention strayed to the pile of what were now rags and back to Katherine. "I think you should be more concerned about yourself. I couldn't get you out of your damned habit last night. I swear you must lock yourself in it every day. I had to cut you out of it. I'm sorry. I'll get you a new one."
"You don't owe me anything," Katherine replied, her eyes locked with Catriona's pools of blue. "If it hadn't been for you, I'd have probably died last night. I'm sure you had good reason for any action you took."
As if embarrassed, Catriona nervously cleared her throat and stood. "I'm sure you must be hungry after what you've been through. Why don't I fix us both some breakfast?"
Katherine captured Catriona's hand. She looked down, questioningly, at Katherine.
"I need to tell you something." Katherine took a deep breath. "I've made a decision."
Keeping a firm hold on Catriona, Katherine sat up, conscious of the bedclothes pooling around her waist. Catriona was glued to the spot, her eyes alternating between Katherine's face and her alabaster form.
Reaching forth with her free hand, Katherine took hold of the belt keeping Catriona's dressing gown closed. After slight resistance it gave way, revealing a break in the cloth and the beauty concealed inside. Catriona shrugged her shoulders and the robe fell to the floor.
Katherine bit back a gasp as her eyes lingered on Catriona. Her narrow waist served to accentuate her delicate yet curved breasts and toned body. Katherine pulled back the bedcovers and shyly scooted across the bed, silently inviting Catriona to join her.
Catriona sat on the bed. "Are you sure?"
Katherine pulled Catriona down to her. "I've never been so sure of anything in my life."
Catriona shook her head, her eyes filled with wonder.
"What is it?" Katherine asked.
"I can't believe I'm finally here beside the woman I love."
She lightly brushed away a tear from Catriona's eye. "I couldn't think of any place I'd rather be."
Katherine eyes fluttered closed when Catriona lips met hers. Catriona's soft touch ignited a spark, and the passion they had conceal
ed from each other for so long was set afire. Catriona began a sensuous assault on Katherine's mouth. Her fingers played their way down Katherine's back, coming to rest on Katherine's backside.
Katherine's breath hitched and she broke free of their kiss. "The first time you touched me like that I thought I was on fire." She softly pressed a kiss to Catriona's collarbone. "All I knew is that I wanted so much more."
"You can have it all." Catriona pulled Katherine to her, reclaiming her lips with her own.
Catriona's lips parted and Katherine's tongue lightly touched Catriona's. Catriona moaned. Katherine's delicate hands charted their own course along the muscles of Catriona's back.
"Oh my God," Catriona said as she broke their kiss. "For a celibate woman, you have an uncanny knack of knowing what excites me."
"I'm glad, because I really have no idea of what I'm doing. It just feels--right."
"It's very right." Catriona eased Katherine on to her back. She traced a lazy line up Katherine's side, until her fingers came into contact with the outer fullness of Katherine's breast. Deliberately avoiding their more sensitive centre, Catriona gently stroked her breast--her fingers teasing and barely touching the outer reaches of her tender pebbled flesh.
Where Catriona touched her tingled, as if her skin retained a permanent imprint of the intimate contact. Katherine attempted to chase Catriona's hand, growling when she removed it. "Catriona." Katherine failed to keep the desperation out of her voice.
"You never were very patient, were you? Trust me, all good things come to those who wait." With a smile, Catriona lowered her head and trailed a path of kisses down Katherine's throat to her breast. She lightly touched the erect nipple with her tongue, barely allowing her lips to touch Katherine's skin.
Katherine moaned and arched her body, desperately attempting to heighten the sensation of Catriona's busy lips.
"Oh, yes," she hissed when, finally, Catriona's mouth closed around her eager nipple. Katherine couldn't believe the wonderful sensations coursing through her. Her body instinctively reacted, and she shuddered with desire at the feel of Catriona's tongue and teeth grazing her nipple. Eager to maximise the contact, she laced her hands in Catriona's hair and drew her head to her breast.
Katherine lightly tugged Catriona's hair, while Catriona nuzzled her way across to her chest. She softly raked Katherine's breast with her teeth, and lightly blew on it and raked it again.
Just when Katherine thought the sensations inside her had reached their pinnacle, her body began a slow burn. Catriona's hand weaved its way down her body drawing feather light circles on her stomach and then finding the sensitive crease of skin where leg meets hip. Strumming the delicate skin with her fingers, Catriona teasingly encroached on the outer regions of Katherine's hair then slowly retraced her way to the safer ground of her hips.
"Oh God, please, Catriona, please!" Katherine cried, unsure of what she was asking for, yet seeking deliverance from the exquisite tension she was experiencing.
Catriona laughed with pleasure. She brushed her hand over Katherine's mound and rested her hand on the inside of Katherine's thigh. With a deeper primal sexual instinct, Katherine parted her legs. Catriona's fingers trailed ever so slightly over her lips, and Katherine raised her legs, opening herself to her.
Catriona's fingers parted her soft folds of flesh, and Katherine shuddered. She looked down to where Catriona rested her head against her chest.
"Oh, my darling you are so ready," Catriona said. Fingers lingering in Katherine's wetness, she raised her head and possessively kissed her.
Katherine couldn't believe the pleasure she was feeling. Wherever Catriona touched, her skin burned. What had started as butterflies in her stomach had now progressed to a horde of stampeding elephants. With a will of their own, her hips moved in concert with Catriona's stroking. Her fingers beat a relentless tattoo in Katherine's readiness, her tongue languished in Katherine's mouth.
Catriona broke away from their kiss, cerulean eyes locked with emerald pools of desire. "Trust me," Catriona entreated.
"Trust you," Katherine managed, her breathing ragged, "with my life." She passionately claimed Catriona's lips with her own.
Katherine felt a fleeting resistance, followed by slight pain when Catriona entered her. The pain was quickly forgotten. Catriona's fingers moved inside her and she arched her hips in time with Catriona's beat. Catriona's thumb delicately stroked her bud and she released a guttural cry.
On sensory overload, Katherine could no longer focus. Her passion continued to mount. Her body disassociated itself from her mind. Her hips thrust faster with Catriona's frenzied caresses. She was vaguely conscious that the voice urging Catriona on was her own. Then, as if breaking through an invisible barrier, Katherine shuddered uncontrollably. Screaming out Catriona's name, she held Catriona's head to her breast, twitching as she slowly regained control over her body.
Catriona slowed her ministrations, and Katherine lay back on the bed and wiped her face. Catriona's breathing was ragged, her face aglow.
Katherine cupped Catriona's face in her hand. Her thumb stroked the soft fuzz on her cheek. "If someone had tried to explain to me what just happened between us, I wouldn't have believed them. I don't think I've ever experienced anything so, so passionate and frenzied, and yet so beautiful." Uncontrolled tears welled in her eyes. "Thank you," she said and embraced Catriona.
For Catriona the moment was almost too much too bear. Resting in Katherine's arms, she felt her own tears begin when she realised how long she had waited to openly love Katherine. Thinking back to her recent rekindling of her relationship with Adele, she could find no comparison. She wanted to be here with Katherine--now and always.
Katherine cleared her throat and wiped her eyes. "Never in my imagination would I have thought loving you was like this." She sniffled. "And I do love you. I know I hid it for so long behind religion, society, propriety and any number of convenient excuses. But when I saw Susan and Me Lin together, at last I realised how special my feelings for you are."
Catriona laughed and brushed a stray hair from Katherine's face. "I think I've loved you from the moment I set eyes on you, all dusty as you were, at the train station. You frustrated me at first with your anger and your pride. I later realised that was what made me so desperately want you." She searched Katherine's face, taking in every element of beauty captured there. Earnestly looking into her emerald eyes, she was exposed to the love Katherine held within. "Be my partner, Katherine, and I promise you my love, my friendship, my home, and my security for as long as I live."
Katherine let her actions speak for themselves. She took Catriona's face in her hands and kissed her deeply. Her fingers lightly drew patterns over Catriona's stomach and then trailed a line up to her breasts. Using her open palms, she made miniature circles over Catriona's breasts, delighted in their response to her touch.
Katherine lowered her head until her tongue barely met Catriona's excited nipple. She brushed it lightly with her teeth. Catriona gasped. "Do you like that?"
"A little harder," Catriona said. She guided Katherine's head to where it had previously been.
Katherine alternated between sucking and gently biting Catriona's nipple, pleased at Catriona's reaction. As one nipple hardened, she kissed and nipped her way across Catriona's chest, applying the same attention to her other breast.
"Oh God, like that, just like that." Catriona entangled her hands in Katherine's hair.
Recalling how Catriona's hands had traversed her body, Katherine began an assault of her own. Her fingers lingered in Catriona's wet heat. "You're so very wet."
"Only for you."
Katherine stilled her hand over Catriona's passion. A throbbing heat pulsed beneath her fingers. Catriona covered her hand with her own, and gently guided her to the sensitive font of her pleasure.
Taking her lead from the experienced hand enveloping hers, Katherine gently stroked the bud, occasionally dipping into Catriona's passion. Her hand rapidly de
veloped a rhythm to match Catriona's thrusting hips.
Somehow realising Catriona craved deeper contact, Katherine's fingers tentatively teased Catriona's opening.
"Inside," Catriona hissed. "I need you to fill me."
With two fingers, Katherine entered her to Catriona's emphatic yes. Katherine used her thumb, teasing the bundle of nerves and elevating Catriona to greater heights of passion.
Katherine watched the heavy lidded eyes of her lover. She heard Catriona's breathing deepen. Suddenly her body stiffened, then crested in sensual waves of passion. As her hips slowed, Catriona stilled Katherine's hands.
Katherine nuzzled Catriona's chest while Catriona's hand idly stroked Katherine's hair.
Catriona kissed the top of her head. "My love, no one has ever made me feel so complete. It scares the hell out of me when I think how close I came to losing you last night."
"You didn't, and for that I'm eternally grateful."
Catriona frowned, as if she were working through something.
"What is it?"
"I'm doing the sums here, and I can't get last night to add up. You left the Connors, but Mrs. Connor said you were gone hours before I arrived at her farm."
Katherine nodded.
"I didn't pass you on the way out. But I found you on my return journey, not all that far from the Connor property. What happened?"
Katherine pulled away and searched Catriona's features. "I was on my way home when one of the bushrangers--"
Catriona sat up in bed. "What the hell do they think they're doing? They've got no right to prey on anyone who travels that road."
Katherine placed her fingers on Catriona's lips. "Let me explain." Catriona petulantly nodded. Katherine collected her thoughts in an attempt to try to piece together her story. "The gang was involved in a botched robbery two days ago. In the process, some of the gang were killed and Mary, the leader, was seriously wounded. I couldn't refuse to help her." Her voice trailed off and she turned away from Catriona.