And Those Who Trespass Against Us Page 28
Settling down with the two men in the parlour, she couldn't help but sense Robert's discomfort. She casually poured tea for the group and handed each man a cup. "Is anything the matter Robert?"
The young blacksmith uncomfortably shifted in his seat. "I'm sorry, Miss Pelham. It's just I've never been invited into a house like this. My family's home is so, er cramped, and this lovely home--it's so big."
Catriona sat back in her chair, one leg slung casually across her knee. "The size of a home isn't a measure of the inner wealth of a person. For what it's worth, you're always welcome here. That also goes for you, William. While we're at it, I'd prefer you call me Catriona. Calling me Miss Pelham makes me feel fifty years old, which I can assure you I'm not."
"Thank you for your offer, Miss, er, Catriona." Robert stumbled, finding it difficult to break with formality. He turned to William. "I'm sure I speak for both William and myself when I say we'd be happy to visit again, possibly on a day when there isn't work to do--a social visit perhaps?"
Catriona smiled, feeling a common bond with the young men. It was unnecessary to put in to words what was in front of her. She was sure, by the silent looks shared between them they were indeed lovers. She leant forward to retrieve a scone. "That would be very nice, very nice indeed."
The rest of the conversation revolved around work which was overdue in the Pelham family graveyard. William kept his responses to her questions concise and business-like. Far too serious for such a young man, Catriona thought. Although, given the reputation his father had around the district, she sympathised with him, struggling to carve a niche of individuality, representational of his own distinctive work.
She rose from her chair and Robert and William also stood. "I better let you get to your work then. I've got paperwork to see to in the study."
"So have we, I mean, work that is," Robert stammered.
"No problem. Just let yourselves out the back door."
Once they left the room, Catriona set about tidying up the parlour prior to Katherine's return. Although Katherine wasn't fastidious, she had a nervous habit of cleaning even the most miniscule mess left about in the house. Smiling to herself, she placed the plates, cups, and saucers on a tray and took them out to the kitchen.
From behind the gauze curtains of the kitchen window, she clandestinely watched the two men lift the additional plough blade from the rear of the wagon and carry it into the barn. As they walked back into daylight, William looked around and then reached up and gently wiped sweat from Robert's forehead. With a smile on his face, Robert also carefully looked around, then pulled a laughing William back into the darkness of the shed.
Catriona wondered if she acted the same way around Katherine. "I expect I'm well and truly relegated to the study--at least until Robert and William depart from my shed and head out for the family cemetery."
AFTER HER VISIT with Father Cleary, Katherine quickly left the main part of town, for fear of encountering one of the members of the ladies' committee. It had been a stressful morning, and the last thing she wanted to do was to have to endure inane pleasantries and false smiles. After the father's success with the ladies, firstly in allowing her to remain where she was and, secondly, supporting her decision to return to Gleneagle, relations between her and the committee had been somewhat strained. Not that this bothered her in the least. She didn't care for the opinions of women whose values were so shallow.
Having not visited Mary Connor since the birth of her last baby, she rode out to the Connor property. On arrival, she was greeted warmly by mother and children alike. Katherine was amazed to find, despite the difficulty of the birth, Mary was again knee deep in manual labour with a smiling Katie on her hip. She'd initially bestowed the majority of her books on the Connor children and had been amazed at the speed with which they'd learnt. Her heart ached at the idea of such keen seekers of knowledge resigned to working on a farm. She felt at least two of the children showed sufficient potential to pursue a more formal path of education. Unfortunately, such institutions were places for the wealthy, not struggling farmers who needed every hand there was to help them survive.
Satisfied their learning was progressing well, and, after delicately lecturing Mr. Connor on the strain continual births were having on a woman aged beyond her years, Katherine set her wagon for home.
As she headed toward the front gate of Gleneagle, she was surprised to see the happy faces of Robert Johnston and William Gilchrist as they left the property in their wagon. They sat close beside each other, as if sharing a joke, and not yet aware of her presence. William, on finally recognising Katherine, slid from where he was sitting as far away from Robert as possible. Robert looked up and blushed. Katherine pulled the wagon to a halt.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen. You look like you've had quite a pleasant morning's work. I trust Miss Pelham hasn't worked you too hard?"
The faces of both men reddened, which she found strange.
"Oh no, Sister," Robert replied. "Not at all. We were happy to help Catr, er, Miss Pelham. She's also invited us back to finish our work."
"That's nice. Perhaps we can have lunch together next time you return?"
Robert smiled. "Thank you, Sister. That would be delightful. I'm sorry, but we must be on our way. There's still plenty of work to be done at the foundry today. We hope to see you soon." He motioned his horse forward.
Perplexed, Katherine tilted her head and frowned. She was sure she'd missed something, but she didn't know what. Turning the wagon onto the property, she headed for the house to fill Catriona in on her visit with Father Cleary.
She smiled as she looked and saw Catriona, waiting on the verandah. What a change to come home to someone who was so much more than her friend, who'd hold her and love her no matter how difficult times become. She uttered a quiet blessing that Catriona had been at the station the day of her arrival, and not Mrs. Greystone.
After un-harnessing the horse Katherine walked to the verandah to find a woman very eager to learn the result of her day's discussions. Moving inside out of the afternoon sun, Catriona listened quietly while Katherine conveyed the essence of the morning's meeting.
Her face fell when Katherine mentioned she might have to return to Ireland to formalise her departure from the convent.
"Can't someone do it out here? Or can't they send a letter saying they respect your decision?" she complained, her frustration evident. "It's a long way to go to have someone advise you you're officially released from your vows."
"Catriona, I'm not quite sure how this is done. It only makes sense the Mother Superior may wish to speak to me prior to making her decision. As for somebody else doing it in her stead, I suppose I'll know this once I get a response to my letter. Rest assured, if I have to return to Ireland to see an end to this, then I will. And the minute the matter's resolved I'll return to you on the next available ship," she promised, stroking Catriona's face.
"Return to me, be damned. If you think I'm going to let you travel all that way without me, then you've got another thing coming. If you have to go halfway around the world, then so will I," Catriona declared as she held Katherine's hand.
Katherine was surprised by the vehemence of Catriona's reaction. "If you do go, who'll look after the property? The visit could take over a year."
Catriona smiled a secret smile. "Oh, I think I've just the people in mind for the job. I'm sure Robert and William would be more than willing to look after the property." Before Katherine could question her further, Catriona got out of her seat and, taking Katherine in her arms, gave her a lingering kiss.
THAT EVENING, AS they lay in bed, Katherine remembered the reaction she'd evoked in the two men that afternoon and described the incident to Catriona.
Catriona's body shook with silent laughter.
Katherine raised herself on her elbow and looked indignantly at Catriona. "And what is it you find so funny?"
Catriona, having finally managed to regain her control, looked knowingly into Katherine's
eyes, in turn evoking warmth deep inside Katherine. "You mean you honestly don't know?" She reached for Katherine's lithe form.
Katherine luxuriated in the feel of her skin against Catriona's. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Unless I'm completely off the mark which, as you know, I very rarely am." Catriona dodged Katherine's mock punch, "I believe young Robert and William are lovers," she smugly declared.
Katherine's jaw dropped and she felt her face redden. She tapped her chin as she thought on the matter. "Now that you mention it, it's so obvious. I mean the closeness, laughter, and looks they shared when I approached them. Then William's quick shuffle away from Robert. I'm surprised I didn't notice."
Katherine looked at Catriona and giggled. "Oh my, the shock they must have got, seeing the pious Sister Flynn approach." She entwined her legs around Catriona's. "I wonder what their reaction would be if they could see the brazen and wanton side of my life."
"At least for the moment, I think the less said the better," Catriona huskily replied, as she brought her lips down to meet a laughing Katherine's.
Chapter Seventeen
FOR CATRIONA THE next week was unusually long, with Katherine's temper resembling a bear with a sore head. Catriona's repeated offers to help Katherine write her letter to the Mother Superior were continually met with terse refusal. Exasperated, she turned her efforts to planting the lucerne and barley crops for the oncoming season. She was again grateful for the group of workers who helped make a potentially difficult task easy. She made a mental note to ensure she was extra generous with the Christmas hampers that year.
When she was not outside, Catriona retreated to the solitude of the study and away from a frustrated Katherine. Then one morning, while she read a week-old copy of the Sydney newspaper, there was a soft knock on the study door. She looked up as Katherine walked toward her.
Katherine held out her hand. "Could you have a look at this for me?" she asked sheepishly.
Catriona took the letter and silently read the missive, then solemnly met Katherine's eyes. "It doesn't say anything about you and me in here."
Katherine snatched the letter back from her, her tongue clicking in disgust. "If you're not going to take this seriously, then I'm not going to waste my time." She marched to the door.
Catriona jumped out of her chair and placed her hand on the handle to halt Katherine's dramatic departure. "Oh, for heaven's sake I was only joking! I didn't expect you'd tell the Mother Superior about us. And, as you so correctly indicate in your letter, there are a number of reasons for your decision."
Katherine's body slightly relaxed. "I know you were only teasing. But, given what this letter means, it's been hard while I've been writing it to find any humour in the matter."
"I know." Catriona pulled Katherine into her arms. "You're finished now and that's the main thing. And a good thing as well--I was running out of paper." Catriona smirked. "The letter's fine. When are you going to send it?"
"I'd like to mail it as quickly as possible. The sooner I do this, the faster I'll get a reply. Then we can honestly get on with living our own life. Are you going into town tomorrow?" Catriona nodded. "I'll come in with you and give it to the postmaster. Now how about we get some of the work done that's been waiting and tolerating my boorish mood for the past week?"
They spent the remainder of the afternoon riding the property, checking on the status of the newly planted lucerne and barley shoots.
"I'm glad we had rain the other day." Catriona cast her eyes over the paddock in front of her. Just last week this was only a sewn field. Now it's a tinge of green."
"It does make it look so lush," Katherine said.
"Unfortunately, though, it won't be long and the kangaroos will seek out these sweet grasses. I'll have to ride out here early in the morning to see to them."
"Are you bringing them feed?"
Catriona bit the inside of her cheek. "Not exactly. I need to shoot them."
Katherine turned in her side-saddle, her shock evident. "I can't believe you're planning to kill those creatures! In terms of size, there isn't that much to them. Surely they don't eat much?"
"One kangaroo doesn't eat much, but they don't travel alone. They travel in mobs capable of ruining a farmer's livelihood in less than a week. Rest assured, I only cull as much as I need to. I don't do it for sport, like some of the richer families do."
"If you have to do it, then so be it. Although don't expect me to help you. I honestly can't see myself killing such beautiful animals."
KATHERINE TIGHTLY GRIPPED her letter as the wagon rolled along the rutted road. "I don't mean to be rude, but why do you call Mr. Tanner the postmaster? Isn't he the stagecoach driver?"
"He is the stage coach driver, but he's also a part of the newly formed general post service. In fact, I've heard that both Melbourne and Sydney have their own General Post Offices. The one in Sydney is where your letter will go for sorting prior to it heading to Ireland."
Katherine frowned. "Why not send it via the train?"
"You could, but the next train's not due for another week. And, as strange as it may seem, the coach will still beat the train." Catriona swatted a fly from her face. "The coach route is less circuitous."
Katherine raised her brows. "I never realised. But then I've never had reason to post many letters to Ireland." She fingered the thin envelope. "How much will it cost to send this?"
Catriona shrugged. "More than a shilling--less than two."
"Are you serious?" She thought back to the lesson two weeks ago, where she'd used weekly salaries to help teach the children math. "That's almost half a day's wages."
"That may be so, but I don't see we have a choice. It has to be sent, and when you think how far it has to go, that probably accounts for the letter's price." Catriona patted Katherine's hand. "Trust me, my love, I'd pay a lot more to see you get an answer from the convent."
Katherine clasped Catriona's hand with her own. "Thank you."
With Catriona driving the wagon, Katherine scanned the countryside. She was surprised by the changes since her arrival. With the onset of regular rain, the yellow brown grass was now interspersed with a carpet of green on which cattle contentedly grazed. One thing which struck her as truly beautiful were the blossoms on the enormous eucalyptus trees. In all the time she'd been here she'd thought on these trees as steadfast, reliable, and decidedly masculine in their visage. Now they revealed their true beauty. She smiled. They reminded her of Catriona. Strong, silent, and unapproachable at first--but, in essence, hiding their true tenderness. She again whispered a silent prayer of thanks.
Catriona turned and smiled. Returning her smile, Katherine asked, "A penny for your thoughts?"
"I was thinking, among other things, about how many times we've made this trip together, you sitting on your side and me on mine."
Katherine scooted closer to Catriona and took her hand. "I prefer the closeness to the distance option."
"I was also thinking about your letter. What happens if the Mother Superior refuses to release you from your vows? What will you do?"
Katherine sat back and frowned. "I hadn't given that much thought. Why wouldn't they honour my request, especially if I no longer want to be part of their Order?"
"I don't mean to play Devil's advocate, but have you thought it mightn't suit them? I expect they've outlaid a great deal of money to send you here and they'll be looking for a return on their investment. Besides, the idea of them having to send out another nun so soon to replace you may not be financially viable. Plus, in one of your more delightful moments, you once told me nuns are married to the church. Aren't you breaking your vows in seeking what you wish?" Catriona winced at the look of worry which clouded Katherine's features.
"I think we should wait to see what her response is before seeing only the bad in things. If they refuse my request though, I'll have to take another approach. I'll pack up everything I have which belongs to the convent and return it to Ireland,"
Katherine declared vehemently. "I've no intention of living as a nun for the rest of my life and I also have no intention of living the rest of my life without you!"
Catriona drew the wagon to a halt, short of a bend in the road. She secured the reins, applied the brake, and turned to Katherine. "You don't know what it means to me to hear you say that. I've never had anyone who was so willing to take risks for me like you are, not even Adele. I honestly hope everything goes smoothly. Whatever the result I'll be here for you. I only hope I can live up to what you want and need from me." Closing the distance between them, Catriona surreptitiously glanced around, then took Katherine's face in her hands and tenderly kissed her.
Both were so engrossed in each other they didn't hear the phaeton buggy until it was close enough for its occupants to view them. At the clatter of the buggy wheels, Catriona abruptly pulled away from Katherine. She turned to see the buggy drawing closer and caught sight of the shocked faces of Miss Elsbeth Greystone and a male companion who stared wordlessly at them. Before Catriona could utter a word, the man urged the horse into a canter, and the hose and buggy swept by.
Given their reaction, Catriona was in no doubt they'd witnessed them kissing, and she cursed under her breath for kissing Katherine, in full view of anyone who rode along.
Katherine groaned as the phaeton made a hasty departure. Of all the people in the region, why did it have to be the daughter of the head of the ladies' committee? She was sure the young woman would waste no time in telling her mother what she'd seen. Fortunately, this was the only road she could return on, and she and her male friend had been travelling away from town.
Catriona looked at Katherine. "Well, I suppose that's torn it. It won't be long before the ladies' committee will finally have their suspicions confirmed." She laughed bitterly. "It's a shame really. I've been leading them on such a merry chase for so long. I'm sure Mrs. Greystone will waste no time in advising Father Cleary of our horrendous actions."